Squirrels and Balloons, Sunlight and Hanging Plants


squirrels playing in the sunlight
at a firm fruit farm stand blue yellow and
red balloons ballooning pulling up
plants hanging hung down below
pack of bicyclists stretched stretching stretchy
along a dusty-white fence
(hey where is Tom Sawyer when we need him)
a Slow Children sign
motor boat on a trailer hitched to an old
dented blue station wagon
a yellow school bus too
pothole holes and a crumpled can of Pepsi
(Coke OK?)
a tree cracked, leaning, laden
like something from Beckett
with bright pink blossoms
on my birthday day I stop
for a pretty woman beautiful gorgeous my goodness me
as she crosses crossing across
the road before in front of me
before continuing before I continue
distracted now but more content on my way